Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Strawberries are delicous and are an easy to grow plant that anyone can grow. Strawberries reproduce by a runner coming out of the plant like a vine and going a few inches and then putting down roots to become a new plant. Often that runner, after rooting, will immediatly put out another runner to make another new plant. So even if you start with one strawberry plant it will quickly become a patch of strawberries if they are properly cared for.

Make sure your strawberries get enough water and fertilizer. Also make sure to keep your strawberries free of weeds and any other plants growing near them.

You will find that as they spread it is best not to let the rows of strawberries get more than 3 to 4 feet wide with straight lines drawn for walking paths inbetween them.

There are two main types of strawberries with many subspecies within each type. The two main types of strawberries are everbearing and junebearing. Another type of strawberry that really falls under everbearing type is the day neutral stawberry. Day neutral strawberries produce flowers regardless of what the photoperiod is. The photoperiod is the number of hours of light and darkness everyday.

If you want fruit over the longest period of time possible, I recommend you start with everbearing strawberries.

To find the strawberry that is best suited to your soil,climate and growing conditions, I recommend that you start your strawberry garden with more than one subspecies of strawberry. When you are buying strawberry plants they will say what kind they are and they should also say whether they are everbearing or junebearing.

The best time to plant is in the spring and early summer ,at the same time you are planting your vegetables, but you can plant live plants anytime that you can obtain new plants. When you dig the holes to plant your new plants make sure to put in some organic fertilizer in the bottom of the hole and mix it in before planting. This will help a lot to get your plant off to a good start.

Strawberry plants are available at some stores in the spring. To have the widest selection of varieties and to make it easy to find themm at all, the best place to buy strawberry plants from is one of the many online seed catalogs on the internet. I recomend everbearing strawberrys to give fruit over the longest period of time.

For a site with lots of great information about organic fertilizers to add to soil and water to increase plant yields click here

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For a site with lots of great information about organic fertilizers to add to soil and water to increase plant yields click here